Q1: In the same location, some devices can be linked, while others cannot.

Answer: Do not connect more than 10 devices in the same location simultaneously, otherwise some CryptoTrackers may fail to connect. Power off and reconnect the devices for testing.

Q2: A CryptoTracker cannot be connected.

Answer: Test it with another Wi-Fi hotspot.

Q3: A CryptoTracker displays abnormal behavior.

Answer: Change the hotspot network or restart the CryptoTracker.

Q4: The device requires setup again after initial connection to a Wi-Fi hotspot.

Answer: This usually indicates an unstable hotspot; try moving to a different location.

Q5: The device stops working when beyond the effective range of the Wi-Fi hotspot.

Answer: Reconfigure the CryptoTracker when back within range.


Q6: The system shows incorrect Wi-Fi hotspot name or password.

Answer: Confirm the credentials (SSID and password) are entered correctly.


Q7: If all solutions fail

Answer: Please contact us or consider replacing the CryptoTracker.