보증: 중고품, 수령 후 24시간 이내에만 보증
애플리케이션: IDC 회의실 및 가정용
장점: 내장 팬, 저전력 소비, 컴팩트한 크기
코인 지원:
해시율: 520MH/s±10%
전력 소비: 240W±10 %
작동 온도: 0-40℃
작동 습도: 5%RH-95%RH 비응결
무게: 9.5Kg
측정값: 45x48.2x4.45cm
네트워크 연결 모드:
전압: 110-240v 지원
**이 머신은 ETC 채굴용으로 제작되었으며 ETH 채굴은 보장되지 않습니다**
Jingle Mining offers one-stop solution for used servers all over the world.
This service allows you to replace your servers with the latest model on the market for a competitive price.
At the same time, this service will allow beginners with insufficient budget to purchase a perfectly functioning server cost-effectively.
For more information and to receive a personalised quote, you can reach out direct at global@jinglemining.com or fill out the form below.
**Please note that the request to Resell your Used Server needs to include this information:
1. Server Brand
2. Server Model (include S/N code and average computing power) and number of corresponding models (hopefully this is an optional state)
3. Usage period, warranty time left - if any
4. Machine condition
5. Are you in a hurry to sell?
6. Proposed selling price