n- 원스톱 솔루션: 중고 X4 시리즈 – Jingle Mining

Jingle Mining offers one-stop solution for used servers all over the world.

This service allows you to replace your servers with the latest model on the market for a competitive price.

At the same time, this service will allow beginners with insufficient budget to purchase a perfectly functioning server cost-effectively.

For more information and to receive a personalised quote, you can reach out direct at global@jinglemining.com or fill out the form below.

**Please note that the request to Resell your Used Server needs to include this information:

1. Server Brand
2. Server Model (include S/N code and average computing power) and number of corresponding models (hopefully this is an optional state)
3. Usage period, warranty time left - if any
4. Machine condition
5. Are you in a hurry to sell?
6. Proposed selling price


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