n- Announcement: Be Ware of Fake Websites! – Jingle Mining

Announcement: Be Ware of Fake Websites!


Be Ware of Fake Websites!


We recently received several messages in regards of the official channels of Jasminer and JingleMining.  

We are recognised as global partner of Jasminer Official.

You can find us at: https://www.jasminer.com/aboutUs


  1. Please beware of malicious, fraudulent websites. The only official website of our company is jinglemining.com, operated by SunRays Info Tech (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd. We do not operate on any other website and no enterprise, unit, groups or individual carry out operations outside of jinglemining.com and the official Telegram or YouTube channels.


  1. SunRays Info Tech (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd. is not responsible for any personal or property losses caused by adoping the information or statements pulished on other pirated websites or by purchasing or using any of the products pubilished or sold on such pirated websites. We hereby warn our customers and partners to avoid loss of products purchases through informal channels.


Please check for our official social media channels:

- Official website: www.jinglemining.com

- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRNnCDUVG7tcmp0zhbW0KGA

- Twitter: https://twitter.com/JingleMining

- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jinglemining-105678728580084




Sunrays Info Tech (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd.

Jan. 5th 2022

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